
MV #1

I have resolved to memorize one verse(s) each week. So I will blog some stuff about that verse every week. You can always keep me accountable as to whether or not I have memorized it. The point is to fulfill Psalm 119:11, to hide his word in my heart so I wont sin against him.

Memory Verse:

"So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12).

Do you want to gain a heart of wisdom? Simple, number your days! What does it mean to number your days? No, this is not a verse supporting birthdays, sorry! To number our days means to count them, or in other words, to make them count; don't waste your days here upon the earth.

Why will we have wisdom if we number our days? By realizing that we cannot count future days because they have not happened, we will be faced with the realization that we could die at any time. Therefore, by counting our days we can remind ourselves that we have to live for this day, not tomorrow. By living each day as if it were our last, or by living each day as if we were to face God in judgment at the end of it, we will radically change our lifestyle. We will gain a heart of wisdom as we do this. Wisdom will be directly connected with our time management.

Since we are "a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes" (James 4:14), I thought it would be good to memorize Psalm 90:12, which was said by Moses, the man of God. And, it would also be nice to have a heart of wisdom and to redeem the time while I live in this "tent."

A key point in this verse is that we need to ask to be taught this discipline of numbering our days. Lord, help us number our days so that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

"Time would not be so prcious if we never died. But since we are never more than a breath away from eternity, the way we use our time has eternal significance" - Donald Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 134.

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